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Harvest Begins!

Kevin Lien, Manager Boyle Terminal

Grain movement has been strong the past 2 months. Today, 8/3/2023, we filled up on spring wheat but have some room for winter wheat. We have taken in some new crop winter and spring wheat and the quality is excellent: very good test weight and average protein. We have not seen any ergot in any new crop yet so that is great news. Space is going to be very tight during harvest since we are going in full so as of now, we do not have any harvest hours set. It will depend on when we have space. Currently our text messaging service is not sending out messages to everyone. We are working on it getting it fixed but, in the meantime, check the website and/or our Facebook page. You can always give us a call for this information as well. When you swipe your card at the probe and need something changed on it just pick up the phone in the red box and we will update it for you. At the Dickinson Terminal, we will be taking canola this harvest. We have to put new air screens in the bin floor so upon arrival they will get put in then we can start dumping canola. We will still be taking durum too.

We have a new employee at Taylor Terminal, Scott Mink. He started in mid-June and enjoys hunting and fishing. Have a great harvesting season and be safe.