Category: Newsletter

Energy Division Report

Now that you have read at least four different descriptions of the weather this winter and what is expected this spring, I am going to give you a quick fun…

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Prevent Trouble This Year

As I write this article it appears mother nature is still trying to decide which season she wants this week.  We can at least be glad that she is leaning…

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From the Board Room

Hello SWG friends and producers, I will start by saying winter is not over!  I am writing this on February 6, and we are being reminded by Mother Nature that…

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Foot Rot and Pink Eye

I am hearing a lot of issues with foot rot and pink eye this year.  I would like to talk about a couple things we have to help reduce the…

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Harvest Begins!

Grain movement has been strong the past 2 months. Today, 8/3/2023, we filled up on spring wheat but have some room for winter wheat. We have taken in some new…

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Regional Manager Report

We are in the month of August 2023 with this newsletter, and we have finalized the first three quarters of fiscal 2023 as of May 31, 2023. We made it…

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Meet Your SWG Board Members

1. Shane SicklerPresidentDistrict At LargeTerm 2024 2. Steve VerhulstVice PresidentDistrict CTerm 2024 3. Ben KuhnSecretary/TreasurerDistrict ATerm 2023 4. Loren BockDistrict ATerm 2025 5. Scott GauglerDistrict ATerm 2024 6. Harlan DollDistrict…

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Hello from Richardton!

It’s finally spring, and here in Richardton we could not be more thrilled! We hope the long winter was not too hard on you. We are looking forward to enjoying…

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Fly Control

Are blind quarters and mastitis an issue? Horn flies can cause big problems for cattle and cattle producers not only spreading pink eye, causing foot rot problems; horn flies can…

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Keep Your Tanks on the Top Side!

The energy market, like many other things in the world today, is very fragile and unpredictable.  It is currently in a tug of war between supply and the economic outlook…

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