A big thank you! August 25, 2022 Suzie Reuther, Manager Hettinger Elevator Hello from Hettinger, and a BIG Thank you to all of our patrons for your business this past year. August 31st is the end of our fiscal year. Harvest is upon us, and we have room for Spring Wheat and Winter Wheat. We are planning to take corn this fall but give us a call before you haul. Mother nature has given us an over abundance of rain this year. This gave us plenty of green grass, therefore our creep feed season has started out slow. Flies, flies, and more flies!! We have all of your fly con- trol needs from the pasture to the yard: back rubbers, oil, pour-on’s, and sprays (LD 44Z for the barnyards and tempo for the yard). We carry Smartlic tubs and loose mineral with fly control too, so there is no need to be buzzed by those nasty flies. Stop by and pick up your fly control needs today. Once again, THANK YOU for your business!!
Hello From Richardton! We have a new face in the store. Sadia Zafar joined us at the end of May as our new Agronomy Sales Representative. Sadia is a recent North Dakota State… Read More
3 reasons to make grain bin safety the talk of your town Zero lives lost: That’s the goal of Nationwide’s Grain Bin Safety Week program (Feb. 20-26) and Think Grain Bin Safety campaign. They reflect Nationwide’s passion for agriculture and leadership position… Read More
CHS Southwest Grain’s newsletter — February 2022 Read the latest issue of our newsletter, The Grain Mill. Read More